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Steve Santora
Mar 17, 20192 min read
Fly cheap to see a friend arrive Sat dept Sun
Allot of us that have friends in other cities that we haven't seen in awhile for one reason or another. Seeing and spending time with a...
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Steve Santora
Mar 13, 20191 min read
What..! Cut the cord ?
Come on people.. you know spending $160 to $300 per month on cable is driving you nuts. Stop and think about streaming for around $100. ...
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Steve Santora
Mar 11, 20191 min read
Top 5 ways to use social media
Simplifying your life and using social media don't seem to even go together. Social media has become a big question mark for many. For...
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Steve Santora
Mar 9, 20191 min read
The magic of now
We've all heard it - " be present in the moment". But why ? Simply put you have to get everything out of moments since they are not...
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Steve Santora
Mar 7, 20191 min read
What's your El Capitan ?
Ok.. so the great granite wall in Yellowstone national park has finally been free solo climbed. If you're unfamiliar with the term free...
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Steve Santora
Feb 26, 20191 min read
Choosing a smaller tv
I don't know why it puts a smile on my face, but buying a smaller tv which means one that is less than 50" for a space that could easily...
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Steve Santora
Feb 24, 20191 min read
Create an idea wall
What's an idea wall ? Why even consider such a thing ? I think that having a free form space that allows you or others in your house to...
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Steve Santora
Feb 17, 20192 min read
One Credit Card:
One easy to implement strategy to simplify your financial life with regards to spending is to first only use one credit card per family...
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Steve Santora
Feb 17, 20191 min read
Productive You Space
What's your work space look like. If it's anything like mine it's can be anything but as useful as you'd have hoped. This can cover...
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Steve Santora
Feb 17, 20191 min read
Build a shed
This isn't to say building a shed is something you should do right away, but more that thinking about a space that can be all yours...
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Steve Santora
Feb 17, 20191 min read
Build your relationships
Some of us are gifted networkers and socializers. Some are not. Either way its imperative that we look at our lives in terms of what we...
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Steve Santora
Feb 17, 20191 min read
Binge drinking avoidance tactics
We all think about our health and some more than others. That's why I think this topic is so relevant for most. You can be the one beer...
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