Focus on the right things
Earn more, spend less and focus on the things that matter in life. There are so many distractions today it’s hard to prioritize and act on what matters most. Learn about ways to improve your financial, personal and work life
"Simplicity boils down to two steps: Identify the essential. Eliminate the rest."
Leo Babauta

Steve Santora
About Me
There's so much pressure, push pull, work life and family demands that often as individuals you can feel empty. We cover many topics, but the overriding effort is to help people bring a little more joy and personal fulfillment into the day to day.
The first action is to reduce complications. This could be as simple as having too many credit cards or carving out a you space where you live. I hope you enjoy reading, learning and participating with us.
"The more simple we are, the more complete we become."
August Rodin